
Since emcee is a pure Python module, it should be pretty easy to install. All you’ll need numpy.


For pre-release versions of emcee, you need to follow the instructions in From source.

Package managers

The easiest way to install the stable version of emcee is using pip or conda

pip install emcee
# or...
conda install -c conda-forge emcee

From source

emcee is developed on GitHub so if you feel like hacking or if you like all the most recent shininess, you can clone the source repository and install from there

git clone
cd emcee
python install

Test the installation

To make sure that the installation went alright, you can execute some unit and integration tests. To do this, you’ll need the source (see From source above) and py.test. You’ll execute the tests by running the following command in the root directory of the source code:

py.test -v tests

This might take a few minutes but you shouldn’t get any errors if all went as planned.