The Ensemble Sampler

Standard usage of emcee involves instantiating an EnsembleSampler.

class emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, log_prob_fn, pool=None, moves=None, args=None, kwargs=None, backend=None, vectorize=False, blobs_dtype=None, a=None, postargs=None, threads=None, live_dangerously=None, runtime_sortingfn=None)

An ensemble MCMC sampler

  • nwalkers (int) – The number of walkers in the ensemble.

  • ndim (int) – Number of dimensions in the parameter space.

  • log_prob_fn (callable) – A function that takes a vector in the parameter space as input and returns the natural logarithm of the posterior probability (up to an additive constant) for that position.

  • moves (Optional) – This can be a single move object, a list of moves, or a “weighted” list of the form [(emcee.moves.StretchMove(), 0.1), ...]. When running, the sampler will randomly select a move from this list (optionally with weights) for each proposal. (default: StretchMove)

  • args (Optional) – A list of extra positional arguments for log_prob_fn. log_prob_fn will be called with the sequence log_pprob_fn(p, *args, **kwargs).

  • kwargs (Optional) – A dict of extra keyword arguments for log_prob_fn. log_prob_fn will be called with the sequence log_pprob_fn(p, *args, **kwargs).

  • pool (Optional) – An object with a map method that follows the same calling sequence as the built-in map function. This is generally used to compute the log-probabilities for the ensemble in parallel.

  • backend (Optional) – Either a backends.Backend or a subclass (like backends.HDFBackend) that is used to store and serialize the state of the chain. By default, the chain is stored as a set of numpy arrays in memory, but new backends can be written to support other mediums.

  • vectorize (Optional[bool]) – If True, log_prob_fn is expected to accept a list of position vectors instead of just one. Note that pool will be ignored if this is True. (default: False)

property acceptance_fraction

The fraction of proposed steps that were accepted


Calculate the vector of log-probability for the walkers


coords – (ndarray[…, ndim]) The position vector in parameter space where the probability should be calculated.

This method returns:

  • log_prob: A vector of log-probabilities with one entry for each walker in this sub-ensemble.

  • blob: The list of meta data returned by the log_post_fn at this position or None if nothing was returned.


Compute an estimate of the autocorrelation time for each parameter

  • thin (Optional[int]) – Use only every thin steps from the chain. The returned estimate is multiplied by thin so the estimated time is in units of steps, not thinned steps. (default: 1)

  • discard (Optional[int]) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

Other arguments are passed directly to emcee.autocorr.integrated_time().


The integrated autocorrelation time estimate for the

chain for each parameter.

Return type



Get the chain of blobs for each sample in the chain

  • flat (Optional[bool]) – Flatten the chain across the ensemble. (default: False)

  • thin (Optional[int]) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (Optional[int]) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)


The chain of blobs.

Return type

array[.., nwalkers]


Get the stored chain of MCMC samples

  • flat (Optional[bool]) – Flatten the chain across the ensemble. (default: False)

  • thin (Optional[int]) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (Optional[int]) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)


The MCMC samples.

Return type

array[.., nwalkers, ndim]


Access the most recent sample in the chain


Get the chain of log probabilities evaluated at the MCMC samples

  • flat (Optional[bool]) – Flatten the chain across the ensemble. (default: False)

  • thin (Optional[int]) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (Optional[int]) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)


The chain of log probabilities.

Return type

array[.., nwalkers]

property random_state

The state of the internal random number generator. In practice, it’s the result of calling get_state() on a numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState object. You can try to set this property but be warned that if you do this and it fails, it will do so silently.


Reset the bookkeeping parameters

run_mcmc(initial_state, nsteps, **kwargs)

Iterate sample() for nsteps iterations and return the result

  • initial_state – The initial state or position vector. Can also be None to resume from where :func:run_mcmc left off the last time it executed.

  • nsteps – The number of steps to run.

Other parameters are directly passed to sample().

This method returns the most recent result from sample().

sample(initial_state, log_prob0=None, rstate0=None, blobs0=None, iterations=1, tune=False, skip_initial_state_check=False, thin_by=1, thin=None, store=True, progress=False)

Advance the chain as a generator

  • initial_state (State or ndarray[nwalkers, ndim]) – The initial State or positions of the walkers in the parameter space.

  • iterations (Optional[int]) – The number of steps to generate.

  • tune (Optional[bool]) – If True, the parameters of some moves will be automatically tuned.

  • thin_by (Optional[int]) – If you only want to store and yield every thin_by samples in the chain, set thin_by to an integer greater than 1. When this is set, iterations * thin_by proposals will be made.

  • store (Optional[bool]) – By default, the sampler stores (in memory) the positions and log-probabilities of the samples in the chain. If you are using another method to store the samples to a file or if you don’t need to analyze the samples after the fact (for burn-in for example) set store to False.

  • progress (Optional[bool or str]) – If True, a progress bar will be shown as the sampler progresses. If a string, will select a specific tqdm progress bar - most notable is 'notebook', which shows a progress bar suitable for Jupyter notebooks. If False, no progress bar will be shown.

  • skip_initial_state_check (Optional[bool]) – If True, a check that the initial_state can fully explore the space will be skipped. (default: False)

Every thin_by steps, this generator yields the State of the ensemble.

Note that several of the EnsembleSampler methods return or consume State objects:

class emcee.State(coords, log_prob=None, blobs=None, random_state=None, copy=False)

The state of the ensemble during an MCMC run

For backwards compatibility, this will unpack into coords, log_prob, (blobs), random_state when iterated over (where blobs will only be included if it exists and is not None).

  • coords (ndarray[nwalkers, ndim]) – The current positions of the walkers in the parameter space.

  • log_prob (ndarray[nwalkers, ndim], Optional) – Log posterior probabilities for the walkers at positions given by coords.

  • blobs (Optional) – The metadata “blobs” associated with the current position. The value is only returned if lnpostfn returns blobs too.

  • random_state (Optional) – The current state of the random number generator.